FOSNOD’s Vision is to change the world by Focusing on Similarities, Not on Differences. The initial phase of FOSNOD involves individuals and organizations actively practicing FOSNOD and spreading the word. There are over 8 billion people on this earth, and we want the truth to reach everyone – that we are all more similar than different. The next phase of FOSNOD involves raising $2 billion through donations over the next two years to enact real change at the highest levels. Donations from companies, groups, and individuals will add up quickly, allowing FOSNOD to financially support individuals and organizations in all countries who practice FOSNOD in affecting real change. There are inequities in the world that we believe can be erased with FOSNOD. No one should go hungry. No one should feel less human than another. Many organizations have tried to promote harmony, but their voices are drowned out and their efforts are undermined by the blaring proclamation that we are all different and that we hate and fear each other because of our differences. FOSNOD will quickly change that perception.